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disPOD White Widow 500mg HHC

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17,80 € incl. VAT

Original price
23,50 € incl. VAT

24% (5,70 €)

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Disposable White Widow flavored DisPOD with 500 mg HHC. A variety that stands out for its clean taste with a hint of citrus and a mix of spices with a little pepper. It evokes feelings associated with thinking and creativity, which slowly spill over into a euphoric state. It can also relieve stress and stimulate appetite.

Contains no THC! More

disPOD with White Widow flavour and with 500 mg HHC. A small disposable electronic e-cigarette for practical vaping. With these vaporizers, you only exhale a small amount of vapor compared to classic vapes. Ideal for discreet and undisturbed coating. Suitable for especially beginners, but also more advanced users who do not need a cloud of steam around them.

Strain White Widow is a tried and tested classic that stands out for its clean taste with a hint of citrus and a mix of spices with a little pepper. It evokes feelings associated with thinking, which slowly spill over into a euphoric state. It relieves stress and stimulates the appetite. This high quality vaping pen was created for everyday well-being and relaxation. The liquid inside the cartridge contains 500 mg of HHC - hexahydrocannabinol. You'll love this POD after the first coat.

Effect of terpenes: strong thoughtful to euphoric state

Ideal for: mood enhancement, stress relief, pain relief

Taste and aroma: clean taste with a hint of citrus and a mix of spices with a little pepper

Terpene composition: alpha-Pinene L, d-Limonene, beta-Pinene L, Linalool, Terpinolene, d-3-Carene, Cineol, Terpineol

Filling: 500 mg HHC. Terpenes are added at a concentration of 6%, which are FDA registered and of purely organic origin.

Cartridge volume: 0.5 ml

Package contents: 1x disposable vaping pen (disposable)

Battery : 350mAh capacity, rechargeable via Micro-USB

Contains no THC!

The HHC cartridge does not contain any diluents such as PG/VG , MCT apd.

Instructions for starting the disPOD: sand release by pulling.

Please note: All tobacco products, accessories and e-cigarettes that we offer are not sold to persons under the age of 18. We thus comply with the conditions of Act No. 379/2005 Coll. on the ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes, e-liquids and their accessories to minors. Any product imitating the function of a tobacco product or tobacco paraphernalia, including accessories for such products, may be purchased after the age of 18. Keep out of reach of children. It is not intended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, active or professional drivers or workers with heavy machinery. Do not take any action that could cause injury to yourself or endanger others. Store in a dry and dark place at temperatures below 25°. Protect from direct sunlight and frost. Minimum shelf life until the date indicated on the packaging.

The product is sold only as a promotional, tourist or collector's souvenir.

By purchasing the product, the customer confirms this.

No sales to under 18s.

Volume 0,5 ml

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